
The present study aimed to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of the lungs in Hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) The anatomical study revealed that lungs in (Hemiechinus auritus) The Lung are a pair of Sponge like organs located inside the thoracic cavity They are not directly attached to the ribs, enclosed by two layers of pleura inside pleura cavity. The study revealed that intrapulmonary bronchial with diameter of (3) mm the Tunica mucosa consisted epithelium was of pseudostratified columnar ciliated type having goblet cells The mucous membrane has many longitudinal folds , The hyaline cartilage pieces around the bronchial are very ill developed and but are not ossified . Histological examination revealed that bronchial branches in Hedgehog into medium sized bronchial with mean diameter of1-1.5mm, the longitudinal mucons folds become lower, that lined by simple columnar ciliate epithelium. While The small-sized bronchial coming with mean diameter of 0.5-0.7mm, their mucous folds are still lower, .Results of the present study revealed that bronchioli respiratorii become boundary of transition is very indefinite, because the epithelium remains to be the same simple columnar ciliate in most cases.. According to the results of this study, none of the lymphocytes were collected

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