
Analysis of intracardiac space-occupying lesions, surgically removed at V.I. Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs over 25 years (in the period from 1992 until 2016) was carried out. During that period 134 patients underwent surgery. Preoperative clinical diagnosis before surgery was heart myxoma. From 134 patients, only in 115 (85.8%) patients the removed intracardiac lesions were myxomas: left atrium – 103 (89.7%) patients, right atrium – 10 (8.7%), right ventricle – 2 (1.8%) and mitral valve – 1 (0.8%) patient. 9 patients had thrombi in the heart, 10 patients had not myxomas, but other benign and malignant heart tumors. This article presents macroscopic, histolological and ultrastructural characteristic of cardiac myxomas. Recurrence of the left atrium myxoma occurred in 2 patients. They were re-operated in four and six years after the first removal of myxoma. 2 patients died during hospital period. One patient with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries as a concurrent disease died of embolization of the stent coronary artery with myxoma particles with the development of acute heart failure. Death of the 2nd patient was not directly related to the surgery, and was due to the acute heart failure as well in connection with the presence of concurrent disease, coronary heart disease.


  • Morphological characteristic of surgically removed cardiac myxomas: 25-YEAR EXPERIENCE IN V.I

  • Recurrence of the left atrium myxoma occurred in 2 patients

  • They were re-operated in four and six years after the first removal of myxoma. 2 patients died during hospital period

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Редкие нозологии

During that period 134 patients underwent surgery. Preoperative clinical diagnosis before surgery was heart myxoma. Recurrence of the left atrium myxoma occurred in 2 patients. One patient with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries as a concurrent disease died of embolization of the stent coronary artery with myxoma particles with the development of acute heart failure. При невозможности радикального удаления опухоли единственным методом является трансплантация сердца. Шумакова» Минздрава России в период с 1992-го по 2016 год. МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Проведен анализ объемных образований из полостей сердца, оперативно удаленных в ФГБУ «ФНЦТИО имени академика В.И. Шумакова» Минздрава России за 25 лет (в период с 1992-го по 2016 год). 1. Электронно-микроскопический метод Для электронно-микроскопического исследования кусочки опухолей сердца фиксировали в глютартом XIX No 2–2017 альдегиде, обезвоживали, заключали в эпоксидные смолы и приготавливали ультратонкие срезы по общепринятой методике. Данные представлены как среднее арифметическое и стандартное отклонение (M ± σ)

РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Общие клинические данные
Локализация миксом сердца Localization of cardiac myxomas
Гистологическая и гистохимическая характеристика миксом сердца
Ультраструктурная характеристика миксом сердца
Редкие нозологии Я
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