
SummaryJapanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum group) alien chromosome addition lines were used to determine the chromosomal locations of genes related to bulb formation in shallot. The morphological characteristics of 17 multiple alien addition lines were investigated by measuring maximum bulb diameter, calculating the bulbing ratio, and counting the number of shoots. Of the 17 multiple addition lines, four (U138, U154, U4, and U87), in which chromosome 2A was deleted and which also contained five or more additional chromosomes from shallot, showed significantly higher values of maximum bulb diameter and bulbing ratio than multiple addition lines carrying 2A. Moreover, the number of shoots in these four plants was fewer than in plants with multiple addition lines carrying 2A, and in the allotriploid between A. fistulosum and shallot. A sucrose transporter gene of shallot was allocated to chromosome 5A through sequence-characterised amplified region analysis using two sets of the monosomic addition lines. These results indicate that a gene, or genes, inhibiting bulb formation and stimulating side-shoot formation in shallot may be located on chromosome 2A, and that the sucrose transporter gene is located on chromosome 5A of shallot.

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