
Carnivora includes three independent evolutionary transitions to the marine environment: pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses), sea otters, and polar bears. All three lineages must contend with the thermal challenges of submersion in the marine environment. In the present study, we investigated changes in the fur associated with the transition from a terrestrial to an aquatic lifestyle, comparing fur characteristics among these lineages with those of semi-aquatic and strictly terrestrial carnivores. Characteristics included gross morphology (hair cuticle shape, circularity, length, and density) and thermal conductivity. We found consistent trends in hair morphology associated with aquatic living, such that marine carnivores have significantly flatter (P < 0.001), shorter (P < 0.001), and denser hairs (P < 0.001) than terrestrial carnivores. However, sea lions, phocids, and walrus, which have thicker blubber layers than fur seals, have lower fur densities than fur seals (P < 0.001). Species utilizing fur for insulation in water also showed an elongation of hair cuticle scales compared to terrestrial species and marine species relying on blubber for insulation (P < 0.001). By testing pelts under hydrostatic pressure, we determined that flattening of the hairs, cuticular scale elongation, and increased fur density are critical characteristics for maintaining an insulating air layer within the fur during submersion. Overall, these results indicate consistent evolutionary modifications to the fur associated with the transition to aquatic living, as well as a decrease in fur function associated with a greater reliance on blubber in some groups. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106, 926‐939. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: adaptation ‐ carnivora ‐ conductivity ‐ cuticle ‐ density ‐ guard hair ‐ hydrostatic pressure ‐ marine mammal ‐ morphology ‐ underhair.

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