
Using ectomycorrhizal root tip morphotyping (anatomical and morphological identification) and molecular analysis (internal transcribed spacer region amplification and sequencing), we assessed diversity and composition of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community colonizing P. densiflora seedlings (from 1 to 5 years ) in a naturally regenerating area of a mature forest, in Dongning County of Hei Longjiang Province, China. A total of 22 ectomycorrhizal taxa were determined on the roots of 100 seedlings. The most frequent species was Cenococcum geophilum, which colonized 31.2% of the root tips and occurred in 93.8% of the all samples. It was followed by Clavulina cinerea, Thelephora sp.2, and Russula albidula. They colonized in 22.7%, 17.5%, 13.4% of the root tips and occurred in 63.4%, 42.6%, 29.3% of the samples respectively. These results suggested that ectomycorrhizal diversity increased in P. densiflora seedlings with increasing age.

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