
The aim of this work was to study the effects of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) treatment on the small intestine and its functioning in rats surgically prepared with Thiry-Vella intestinal loop. The loops were treated with either BAC, which ablated much of the myenteric plexus and extrinsic innervation, or with physiological saline (SAL). In vivo drinking experiments were performed to examine the effect on fluid intake and behavioral indices of distending the loop with a balloon. Spontaneous motility and its changes induced by acetylcholine (ACh) and histamine (His) were studied on isolated stripes in vitro. Finally, samples from the loops were examined histologically. Though reduction of the cell number was less than expected and no differences of the thickness of the muscular layer between the two groups was observed, BAC treatment altered the pattern of spontaneous activity and also the sensitivity to ACh and His in isolated stripes. In vivo distension of the SAL-treated loops reduced fluid intake and produced signs of aversivity; these effects were absent in the BAC-treated group. Our results show that despite the differences in the degree of ablation from those obtained by others, BAC treatment can be used to study the mechanisms underlying the effects of the enteral stimuli on the behavior.

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