
The initial stage of the development of the complex soil cover pattern in the Caspian Lowland was studied. The obtained data made it possible to reveal the specific features of the morphological and chemical properties of the soils on terraces of the Khaki playa and the role of burrowing animals in the formation of the microtopography and complex soil cover patterns on the youngest surfaces. The soil cover of the studied area consists of three-component complexes: light-humus quasi-gley solonetzes on relatively flat background surfaces, zooturbated solonetzes on microhighs, and humus quasi-gley soils in microlows. The layered deposits of the Khaki playa terraces and the shallow depth of the saline groundwater are responsible for the specificity of the modern salinization of the studied solonetzes. The distribution of the salts in their profiles has a sawshaped patter, which is related to the nonuniform texture of the deposits. On the microhighs composed of the earth extracted from 5- to 7-year-old suslik burrows, specific zooturbated solonetzes are formed. The known age of these formations makes it possible to determine the rate of the desalinization of the gypsum- and salt-bearing material extracted onto the soil surface and the rate of the salt accumulation in the lower part of the solonetzic horizon and in the subsolonetzic horizons in comparison with the data on the solonetzes of the background flat surfaces. The specific features of the soils in the closed microlows suggest that these soils have a polygenetic origin. The features of the recent hydromorphism predetermine the specificity of their morphology.

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