
Morphological and anatomical features of thalluses of brown (Laminaria saccharina, Fucus vesiculosus) and red (Ahnfeltia plicata) algae, procured at a coastal strip of the Northern basin in gulfs of Ura-Guba and Palkina-Guba at different depths. Compliance of Fucus and Ahnfeltia with pharmacopoeial norms and merchandising indices for Laminaria was established, except for high concentration of sand in Ahnfeltia thalluses. The identity of algae between each other was shown based on the results of qualitative analysis on polysaccharides, alginic acids, reducing sugars, iodine, mannitol, amino acids presence. Quantitative content of polysaccharides, alginic acids, reducing sugars, pentosans, iodine, cellulose, mannitol, proteins, lipids, agar was determined. In comparison with Fucus and Ahnfeltia higher concentration of the following content was noted in Laminaria: alginic acids (1.4 and 5.75 times higher), polysaccharides (1.3 and 1.4 times), iodine (4.5 and 1.8 times), mannatol (1.5 and 2.5 times) (data received is statistically reliable). Impropriety of storm algae for processing was shown as law quality raw material. The highest concentration of active substances was revealed in Laminaria thalluses which were procured at the depth of 10 m in a period from September to October. Active accumulation of sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese corresponding to similar sea water composition was established in algae. Mathematical equations of regression between protein and manganese, protein and iron content in algae were deduced. Under proper conditions of drying and storage high quality of the materials can be preserved during 3 years. Based on the findings of photochemical researches, taking into account squares of plantations and possible exploitation stocks, the possibility and prospectivity of industrial processing of Fucus vesiculosus and Ahnfeltia plicata together with Laminaria saccharina as plant sources of polysaccharides (mainly alginates) was proved.


  • Morphological and anatomical features of thalluses of brown (Laminaria saccharina, Fucus vesiculosus) and red (Ahnfeltia plicata) algae, procured at a coastal strip of the Northern basin in gulfs of Ura-Guba and Palkina-Guba at different depths

  • The identity of algae between each other was shown based on the results of qualitative analysis on polysaccharides, alginic acids, reducing sugars, iodine, mannitol, amino acids presence

  • In comparison with Fucus and Ahnfeltia higher concentration of the following content was noted in Laminaria: alginic acids (1.4 and 5.75 times higher), polysaccharides (1.3 and 1.4 times), iodine (4.5 and 1.8 times), mannatol (1.5 and 2.5 times)

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Изучены морфолого-анатомические признаки слоевищ бурых (ламинарии сахаристой, фукуса пузырчатого) и красных (анфельции складчатой) водорослей, заготовленных в прибрежной полосе Северного бассейна в заливах Уро - губа и Палкина – губа на различных глубинах от поверхности моря. По результатам качественного анализа на наличие полисахаридов, альгиновых кислот, восстанавливающих сахаров, йода, маннита, аминокислот показана идентичность водорослей между собой. Определено количественное содержание в водорослях полисахаридов, альгиновых кислот, восстанавливающих сахаров, пентозанов, йода, клетчатки, маннита, белков, липидов, агара. В сопоставлении с фукусом и анфельцией, отмечена более высокая концентрация в ламинарии: альгиновых кислот (в 1,4 и 5,75 раз), полисахаридов (в 1,3 и 1,4 раз), йода (в 4,5 и 1,8 раз), маннита (в 1,5 и 2,5 раз) (полученные данные являются статистически достоверными). Принимая во внимание площади плантаций и возможные эксплуатационные запасы, доказана возможность и перспективность промышленной переработки фукуса пузырчатого и анфельции складчатой, наряду с ламинарией сахаристой, как растительных источников выделения полисахаридов, главным образом альгинатов.

Не допустимы
Альгиновые кислоты
Лантаноиды и актиноиды
Марганец Железо Стронций Медь
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