
Objective of the current study was to investigate morphohistology of digestive tract of Iranocichla hormuzensis , one of two native cichlid fishes in Iran. The species present omnivorous feeding habits and restricted in shallow, high temperatures and high salinity water in Mehran River and its drainages. This species has a terminal mouth with several rows of serrated incisive teeth, which covered the upper and lower lips. Esophagus is a short tubular between pharynx and stomach, stomach is relatively small and sac-shape, and intestine is long. Gastric wall, through the digestive tube, consists of four layers of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa with some characters specialized for each organ, such as a well-developed mucosa layer and numerous goblet cell in the ventral section of stomach. Morphohistology of digestive tract of I. hormuzensis supports its generalist diet.

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