
This article is devoted to the problems of desertification, the problems of desertification is one of the most striking examples of complex soil degradation, which includes such unfavorable processes as erosion, deflation, salinization, salinization, re-compaction, and others. And also, the article deals with such common soils as: takyr, meadow-alluvial, salt marshes, residual-bog, takyr in combination with residual salt marshes, takyr in combination with desert sandy soils and sands, takyr-meadow, takyrno Meadow in a complex with desert meadow, meadow, bog meadow soils. In addition to the above, we are also talking about the vegetation cover, which is represented by hodgepodge, tamarix, and sometimes on saxaul on adjoined soils. As a result of global climate change, the disturbance of the natural balance for a long time and, first of all, the redistribution of water reserves, the intensification of the drought of the coastal area under the influence of the drying of the Aral Sea, caused a noticeable change in the soil cover. These changes led to a sharp decrease in groundwater in the territories of the former “living” Amu Darya delta, an increase in their mineralization, a decrease in vegetation cover, and a manifestation of the evolutionary process characteristic of the soil cover. These and other signs of soil and soil cover of these territories are highlighted.

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