
Electron microscopic studies were performed on intraocular transplants of embryonic septal and hippocampal tissue developing in the anterior chamber of the eye in rats for 3-4 months. The aim of the study was to seek ultrastructural identification of peripheral nerve fibers entering transplants from the iris, and to assess their ability to establish true synaptic contacts with transplanted CNS neurons. Bundles of myelinated and unmyelinated axons surrounded by Schwann cell cytoplasm were seen within the perivascular spaces of ingrowing blood vessels. Both types of peripheral fiber were also identified in the neuropil areas of transplants. At the ultrastructural level, unmyelinated axons were found to be free of glial Schwann cell sheaths and to form typical asymmetrical synapses with the dendrites and dendritic spines of transplant neurons. These results provide evidence of the high morphofunctional plasticity of both parts (central, peripheral) of the nervous system.

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