
Purpose: development of a new way to obtain a drug of natural genital pheromones of boar, and its approbation in production conditions.Materials and methods. A method of manufacturing a drug of natural genital phargs, including grinding of testicles, obtained from half-arms, incubated homogenizates at a temperature of 37-39 ° C for 50-60 min, adding inkubat urine of semi-cream boars and distillation of the mixture in the rotary evaporator R-213B to the urine incubate. The finished preparation was a transparent liquid of a yellowish shade with a specific smell. Checking the drug on pigs showed its harmlessness, clinical parameters and general hematological indicators in animals after treatment with the drug were within physiological boundaries.Results. In the scientific and production experiment, it was established that after stimulation of 5-month-old impaired repair pigs with a preparation in a dose of 0.5 ml / goal twice a day, sexual ripening has occurred at a 178-day age, which was 6 days before compared to Pilts stimulated by a synthetic analogue of the Formon Sidor (Germany's production) and 14 days earlier than in the pigs of the control group. It was found that pigs treated with the preparation made for 20 days of experiment in the blood contained more estradiol-17β (81.3 ± 4.0 pmol / l) and progesterone (37.7 ± 2.5 nmol / l) than Sidor stimulated pigs (75.7 ± 3.5 pmol / l; 31.1 ± 2.0 nmol / l) and in control animals (64.4 ±, 1 pmol / l; 28.1 ± 2.0 mol / l). The drug has a positive impact on the development of ovaries. In the pigs after stimulation in the 8-month-old age, the mass indicators, volume, linear parameters of the ovaries, as well as the number of follicles and the yellow bodies of the past sex cycle exceeded those in the control animals and pigs undergoing stimulation by Sidor.Conclusion. Research suggests that the method developed by us allows us to obtain a natural genital cartridge pheromone preparation with high biological activity. As a natural stimulator, sex pheromones through olfactory analyzers have a stimulating effect on the relevant cerebral centers and through them to the hypothalamic-pituitary complex, which activates the growth and hormonal activity of ovaries.

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