
The Sayan-Altai mountain systems occupy the area of “convergence” of three types of climate: extreme continental of the West Siberia, dry-steppe and semi-desert of Kazakhstan, and desert Mongolian (according to M.V. Tronov). The author has compiled morphoclimatic scheme of the Altai-Sayan mountain systems, with 6 morphoclimatic zones: humid, semi-humid, transitional humid-arid, semiarid, arid and ultra-arid ones. Digital mapping, carried out using satellite imagery, helped to standardize interpretive indicators of these zones and to unify the existing diverse and multi-scale materials on this area. An essencial condition for understanding the formation of climate in mountain areas is the consideration of the interaction of endogenous and exogenous forces in the processes of mountain building. The character of relief depends not only on the tectonic factors but on the exogenous processes as well – erosion and baro-thermal conditions (primarily) and processes determined by the dynamics of air flows.

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