
The assortment of floral and ornamental plants is annually replenished with new varieties of perennial floral plants. The group of late summer and autumn flowering perennials is one of the most popular in landscaping. Korean chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum сoreanum) is one of the most promising crops for landscaping settlements in the Republic of Belarus, therefore, breeders of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus began to work with this group of small-flowered chrysanthemums.The article describes the results of breeding work, the purpose of which was to create local highly decorative varieties for our climatic zone. The method of free cross-pollination and subsequent selection from the obtained hybrid seedlings of the most promising forms were used in the work. The most significant features in the selection were the following: flowering time, winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as good vegetative reproduction. As a result, 4 domestic varieties of Korean chrysanthemum have successfully passed state variety testing and have been registered in the National List since 2020. Descriptions of these new varieties, their biometric parameters, decorative parameters and flowering times are provided.


  • ornamental plants is annually replenished with new varieties of perennial floral plants

  • breeders of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus began to work with this group of small-flowered chrysanthemums

  • The article describes the results of breeding work

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Для нас представляли интерес сорта, успевающие достигнуть фазы полного цветения в наших условиях, так как при переносе сортов в иные почвенно-климатические условия часто наблюдается смещение фенофаз, снижается декоративность растения. В Центральном ботаническом саду (ЦБС) НАН Беларуси содержится основной генофонд хризантемы корейской. В настоящее время в коллекции ЦБС НАН Бе­ ларуси представлено около 200 интродуцированных сортов хризантемы, большинство из которых могут служить исходным материалом для селекционной работы.

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