
The halophytic community of Salitral de la Vidriera (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) has species with different morphoanatomical functional traits. The aim of this study was to compare these traits in four species, two Asteraceae (Baccharis spartioides and B. tenella) and two Frankeniaceae (Frankenia juniperoides and F. pulverulenta). Leaves and stems were treated under traditional techniques for anatomical study. Leaves the of Asteraceae and F. pulverulenta were amphistomatic while in F. juniperoides they were hypostomatic. All species showed trichomes and only the Frankeniaceae had salt glands. The mesophyll was isolateral in Asteraceae, and dorsiventral in Frankeniaceae; the number of foliar vascular bundles was variable. The stems of the Asteraceae showed subepidermal collenchyma or parenchyma which alternated with chlorenchyma; this tissue combination was not found in the Frankeniaceae stems. Baccharis tenella presented fibers in the cortex while B. spartioides had schysogenous ducts. The stems of the four species showed a complete vascular cylinder and parenchymatic pith. The anatomical differences among species most likely contribute to their survival and perpetuation in the study region

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