
Pre-nesting foundresses of Belonogaster petiolata (Degeer) displayed a continuous variation in body size and ovarian development, wherein the majority (96%) of females possessed well-developed or developing ovaries. The latter indicates that most foundresses, including those that ultimately become subordinates in multiple-foundress colonies, have the potential to lay eggs when they first initiate or join nests. Relatively small differences in ovarian development between associated females at the start of the nesting season became pronounced over the course of the pre-emergence and early pre-matrifilial period concurrently with the differentiation of their roles as queens or subordinates. In pre-matrifilial colonies, ovarian development of queens was significantly greater than that of subordinates. Dominance rank and ovarian development among subordinates in pre-matrifilial colonies were not correlated, probably due to advanced ovarian regression in these females. The majority (96.5%) of foundresses from three successive nesting seasons were inseminated and would therefore have been capable of laying female-producing (i.e. worker- and queen-destined) eggs. Although queens of B. petiolata were not significantly larger than subordinates, they were the largest females in 41% of colonies. Similarly, β-foundresses were larger on average than γ-foundresses. This indicates that body size may contribute to social and reproductive dominance, but is probably of secondary importance compared with hormonal and nutritional factors. These and previously published findings from B. petiolata suggest that the fitness benefits of associating with other foundresses during colony foundation may be largely mutualistic, and favoured by individual selection in addition to kin selection.

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