
The present investigation was carried out to study the morpho-physiological and productivity characteristics of two genotypes of Karonda (Carissa carandasL) trees grown under rainfed condition of Jammu.The two leading cultivars of karonda viz. green and pink were used in study at Rainfed Research Sub-station for Sub-tropical fruits, Rayaduring 2020-21. The leaf morphological characteristics were maximum in green cultivar of karonda i.e. leaf length,leaf breadth, leaf fresh weight and leaf dry weight. The green cultivar of karonda had maximum leaf total water content (34.11 %), relative water content (39.25 %) and total chlorophyll (43.68) as compared to pink. The leaf scherophylly was higher in green cultivars of karonda viz. leaf area (30.30 cm2), specific leaf area (197.6 cm2/g) and density of foliar tissue (37.0 g kg-1) than pink. The fruit yield (8.11 kg/plant), fruit weight (4.42 g) and fruit acidity (2.25 %) was maximum in green cultivar of karonda where as TSS (13.650Brix) was maximum in pink cultivar.Thus, green cultivar of Karonda performed better in morpho-physiological and fruit productivitycharacterizations than pink.

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