
An investigation was carried out to determine the morpho-physical status of soils of Kanamadi South sub- watershed in Karnataka state of India. A detailed soil survey of Kanamadi South sub watershed was carried out using IRS P6 LISS-IV image and a total of ten pedon location which were well distributed in Kanamadi South sub-watershed was selected. The soils were shallow to deep. Colour of pedons varied from 10 YR 2/1 (black) to 10 YR 4/3 (brown). Soil texture varied from clay to clay loam, having loose to moderately subangular to angular blocky in structure with few fine roots distributed in surface horizons. Generally, the clay content increased with depth. Consistency of soil pedons ranged from slightly hard to hard when dry, friable to firm when moist, slightly sticky to very sticky and slightly plastic to very plastic when wet. The maximum water holding capacity of soil horizons ranged from 59.65 to 79.15 per cent and generally increased down the depth. The bulk density of pedons varied from 1.17 to 1.37 Mg m-3. In general, bulk density varied with depth with lowest bulk density at surface and highest recorded in sub surface depths. The field capacity varied from 28.21% to 41.32 %.The morphological and physical properties study in area helps for resource inventorization for successful watershed planning for soil and water conservation to enhance the potential of fertility of soils and major fertility enhancement to increase the soil productivity.

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