
Kaliurang is one of the local taro cultivars in Indonesia, potentially due to its high productivity and delicacy. This study analysed morpho-genetic variation between one diploid and three tetraploid Kaliurang taro clones from <i>in vitro</i> polyploid induction after plantlet acclimatization in the greenhouse for 6 weeks. Plants’ morphological characters were analysed using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) method based on 50 characters according to the taro descriptor from the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI). Furthermore, a morphometric characterization based on the Euclidean distance of 17 digitations from mature leaves, was analysed with the Analysis Phylogenic and Evolution package in R software. DNA band pattern was also performed with ISSR to analyse the clone’s genetic variance. The results showed morpho-genetic character diversity in diploid and tetraploid plants. A plant morphological study revealed that 22 out of 50 characters were distinct, with similarity coefficients ranging from 0.35 to 0.78. Leaf geometric morphometric analysis showed changes in five digitations and formed three clusters. Twelve ISSR primers out of twenty amplified the sequence of the Kaliurang taro genome to yield two clusters with a similarity coefficient of 0.71–0.83. Based on these three characterization approaches, tetraploid clones (K2 and K3) consistently differed morphologically from diploid clones (K0).

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