
ABSTRACTFor young people in the southern Mediterranean, labour market entry is long and difficult. Empirical tests carried out in one Moroccan region show that informal employment largely predominates among young people. Even if a qualification does not protect them from unemployment, it is necessary for access to formal jobs. Experience in the labour market helps as well. Two major divisions emerge according to the length of studies and gender. The least educated have few occupational choices; when they have no experience, they are essentially relegated into jobs which are neither paid nor protected by labour legislation. For young women, the first obstacle to be overcome concerns entry into the labour force, which is strongly dependent on their local environment and family context but also their own aspirations. Acknowledging career success as a long-term objective encourages them to participate more frequently in the labour force. Once this is the case, however, they are considerably more vulnerable to unemployment. This study also permits a comparative review of concepts such as unemployment and NEET.Abbreviations: OCEMO: Office de coopération économique pour la Méditerranée et l’Orient; INETOP: Institut national d’étude du travail et d’orientation professionnelle

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