
In developing countries, limited access to family planning services, results in high rates of unintendedpregnancies and unsafe abortions leading to many avoidable maternal deaths.Unmet need for family planning «UMN»is one of the United NationsMillennium Development Goals Indicators? it evaluates women who are fecund and sexually active but are not using any methods of contraception, while reporting not desiring any more children or wanting to delay the next child. According to the Moroccan national survey for family planning published in 2018,the unmet need for family planningwas 29.2% which is high.The advent of new technological solutions created for family planning has the potential to address unmet needs in low- and middle-income countries.In Morocco, research studies are scarce in the field of Family planning and sexual health.To improve the access to family planning methods and to lower the perceived barriers to contraception use in Morocco, our team in Maternity les Orangers collaborated with the software research team of the national school for computer science ENSIAS in a research project to create a new mHealth solution tailored to Moroccan women, to help empower them to achieve their reproductive goals and contraceptive needs.

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