
The paper analyzes the influence of soil type and its agrochemical characteristics on the morphological and productive parameters of different yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) populations. At 8 locations the following fertility parameters were analyzed: pH (H2 O), pH (KCl), CaCO3 (%), humus (%), total N (%), available P2 O5 and K2 O (mg 100 g-1 soil). From the morphological parameters, the following were measured: plant height, number of leaves, number and diameter of the head, from the productive parameters, the fresh above-ground masses per plant, the fresh above-ground masses and seeds yield per hectare and the harvest index were analyzed. Among the quality parameters of yarrow seeds, germination energy, total germination and weight of 1,000 seeds were examined. The largest number of heads (13.6), a diameter of heads (1.9 cm) and seed yield (386.0 kg ha-1) had the population of yarrow from the location Pančevo (Am1). In this variant, seeds with the highest germination energy (48.8%) and total germination (53.4%) were obtained. The population in this locality was in second place in fresh above-ground masses yield (15,604.0 kg ha-1). The highest fresh above-ground masses yield per hectare, was obtained in variant Am5 (location Starčevo "rit"). The lowest values of morphological and productive parameters and the weakest quality of seeds were found in the yarrow plants originating from soils with less natural fertility and soils located in urban areas.

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