
External and internal morphology studies of subterranean systems are extremely important to the identification of their structural origin because they allow the correct use of the terminology, which is frequently misused. The occurrence of bud-forming subterranean systems is strictly related to the survival of species in unfavorable environmental conditions, favoring shoot regeneration and/or the vegetative propagation of plants. This knowledge enables suitable management of these species in disturbed areas and the vegetative propagation of economically interesting species. In view of this, the present study aimed at: (1) studying the origin of buds on root cuttings of the forest tree species Esenbeckia febrifuga (St. Hil.) Juss. ex Mart. (Rutaceae), Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. (Mimosaceae) and Bauhinia forficata Link (Caesalpiniaceae) to verify their reparative or additional origin; (2) inducing bud formation on root systems through shoot cutting or lateral roots girdling or sectioning of the forest tree species Esenbeckia febrifuga (St. Hil.) Juss. ex Mart. (Rutaceae) and Hymenaea courbaril L. (Caesalpiniaceae) to understand possible induction factors; (3) characterizing the structural origin of bud-forming subterranean systems of the herbaceous-undershrub species Baccharis subdentata DC., Eupatorium maximilianii Schrad. ex DC., E. squalidum DC., Lucilia lycopodioides (Less.) S.E. Freire, Vernonia brevifolia Less., V. grandiflora Less., V. herbacea (Vell.) Rusby and V. platensis (Spreng.) Less. (Asteraceae) from the Cerrado to define the correct terminology for these systems, besides identifying the buds origin. Results showed that buds formed on root cuttings of the three tree species studied are reparative, as they are exogenous and formed from callus or from phloematic parenchyma proliferation with no bud vascular traces being observed in the secondary xylem. Fragments of Bauhinia forficata root bark also form reparative buds from healing phellogen formed

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