
Preparing teams to compete in Career Development Events (CDEs) is a significant teacher concern yet is potentially a highly motivating and impactful component of a total school-based agricultural education program. This mixed methods, grounded theory study, observed seven agriculture teachers preparing CDEs teams over four months of CDE competitions from the local chapter level and progressing to the state level competition. The study aimed to examine the action of CDE preparation and determine if similar patterns existed for successful teachers when preparing CDE teams. Each teacher was observed onsite during a CDE practice, and we used an observational instrument to document the preparation strategies utilized. Following the observed practice, we interviewed all the participants. The data were analyzed, and a pattern of structured instructional activities emerged. Additionally, a theory was developed to conceptualize the process of preparing CDE teams. From the findings, it is recommended that agriculture teachers use a combination of motivational and instructional strategies while identifying and controlling for intervening issues to enhance their desired student outcomes for preparing CDE teams.

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