
Maintenance of genome stability is a crucial priority for any organism. To meet this priority, robust signalling networks exist to facilitate error-free DNA replication and repair. These signalling cascades are subject to various regulatory post-translational modifications that range from simple additions of chemical moieties to the conjugation of ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs). Interferon Stimulated Gene 15 (ISG15) is one such UBL. While classically thought of as a component of antiviral immunity, ISG15 has recently emerged as a regulator of genome stability, with key roles in the DNA damage response (DDR) to modulate p53 signalling and error-free DNA replication. Additional proteomic analyses and cancer-focused studies hint at wider-reaching, uncharacterised functions for ISG15 in genome stability. We review these recent discoveries and highlight future perspectives to increase our understanding of this multifaceted UBL in health and disease.


  • Ubiquitylation is one of the most studied post-translational modifications (PTMs) and involves the conjugation of ubiquitin (8.5 kDa), a highly conserved 76 amino-acid protein, primarily onto lysines of target proteins via a three-step ATP-dependent enzymatic cascade formed by an E1-activating enzyme, an E2-conjugating enzyme and an E3 ligase [1]

  • Termed ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (UCRP) after its ability to cross-react with ubiquitin antibodies [14], it was later renamed to Interferon Stimulated Gene 15 (ISG15) [18,19]

  • The two ISG15 ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs) domains differ in molecular function, with the solvent-exposed N-terminal domain facilitating ISG15 transfer from E2 to substrate and the C-terminal domain being crucial for E1-mediated ISG15 activation and transthiolation [20,22]

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ISG15 and ISGylation

ISG15 was the first UBL to be discovered in 1979, four years after ubiquitin [16,17]. An aspect of ISG15 distinct from ubiquitin is that, similar to FAT10, it is comprised of two UBL domains [1]. While the N- and C-terminal UBL domains of ISG15 possess only ~30% sequence homology with ubiquitin, they share strikingly similar tertiary structures and display comparable as well as distinct areas of electrostatic surface potentials with ubiquitin (Figure 1C) [8,20,21,22,23]. BiomoleUcuFlMes 120[1192, ]9,, xUBQLN4 [69], SUMO1, SUMO2 and SUMO3 [70]; sequence similarity to ubiquitin is of 32 highlighted in the outermost ring ranging from GABARAP (9.59%) in red over a white midpoint to NNEEDDDD88 ((5588%%)) iinn bblluuee. X(sPe_a00tu1r3t7le2;71X7P.2_)0, 27C6h8e9lo3n1i4a.1m), yNdaostec(hsiesascututartules; (tXigPe_r02s7n6a8k9e3;1X4.P1_),02N65o4te3c8h0is4),scDuatantiuosre(rtiioge(zrebsrnaafikseh;; XNPP__002061514931800948).,1)DaanndioCryenroioglo(zsseubsrasefmishila; eNvisP(_t0o0n1g1u9e10s9o8le.1; )NaPn_d001C2y8n7o9g3l5o)s.suAslisgenmmileanevtsisw(etorengeuneersaotleed; NusPi_n0g0T1-2C87o9ff3e5e).[7A9l]iganmd evnistusawliesreedgwenitehraEtSePdriupstin3g[8T0-]C. offee [79] and visualised with ESPript 3 [80]

ISG15: More than an Antiviral Protein
ISG15: More Than an Antiviral Protein
ISG15 as a p53 Degradation Signal
ISG15 Enhances p53 Transactivity
ISG15 in Replication Fork Progression
Further Roles in Genome Stability—Bright Prospects for ISG15
10. Conclusions
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