
Gawad Kalinga (literally to give care ) is a community development model that begins at the grassroots level. It is an innovative approach that could be the key to solving some of Philippine society's biggest concerns – poverty and homelessness. While it was not originally conceived to solve the urban housing problem, Gawad Kalinga (GK) is now known largely because of its success in mobilizing donors, volunteers, and the intended beneficiaries themselves in building beautiful and colorful houses in thousands of communities all over the country.The GK experience tells us that an empowered community is the cornerstone of a successful housing initiative. Even the poorest communities that have adopted the GK way succeeded in building homes even if they did not have access to housing credit. This demolishes the unquestioned premise that economic growth and the resulting increase in income are requisites to solving the housing problem. This is not to say that government should play a peripheral role. Resolving the legal issues concerning land ownership, land use, and security of tenure are critical. Implementing appropriate economic policies and strengthening governance are equally important in promoting overall urban development. Thus, government must focus on its role as a facilitator rather than as a giver.

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