
Abstract Vol. 28 p 79: See response in Letter of Cornelisand Versieck, p 1709. p 91: In the note added in proof, "131" should read "1.31." p 241: In Table 1, "6.5" should read "65"; in the footnote to Table 2, "0.05" should read "0.5" and the next to last paragraph should read: "Finally, in a few instances we have compared the glucose values obtained by using a drop of sample according to the instructions, versus dipping the strips into the sample, and found some variance between the values obtained by the two methods." p 344: Under "staining reagent," the correct concentration of orthophosphoric acid is 160 g/L (not 80 g/L). It is prepared by diluting 95 mL of the concentrated acid (850 g/kg, relative density 1.69 g/mL) to 1 L with distilled water. p 418: ref. 94, cited in the first full paragraph, should read "84." p 419: The volume number of ref. 1 should be 50, not 19. p 502: Corrections to two equations: the term (S2y - S2x) should read (S2y - S2x)2 and in the third equation in the second column delete the repetition of the term "(wx4)," which should only appear once. p 531: In last full paragraph in column one, the word "propionate" in the next to last line should instead read "dimethyl sulfoxide." p 614: References 21 and 22 are missing 21: Gerhardt, W., Ljungdahl, L., Borjesson, J., et al., Creatine kinase B-subunit activity in human serum. I. Development of an iminunoinhibition method for routine determination of S-creatine kinase B-subunit activity. Clin. Chim. Acta78, 29-41 (1977). 22: Neumeier, D., Prellwitz, W., Wurzburg, U., et al., Determination of creatine kinase isoenzyme MB activity in serum using immunological inhibition of creatine kinase M subunit activity: Activity kinetics and diagnostic significance in myocardial infarction. Clin. Chim. Acta73, 445-451 (1976). p 727: With regard to this Letter, the authors later pointed out that although the first sentence states that glycosylated hemoglobins have a higher isoelectric point, glycosylation actually decreases the isoelectric point. Later (p 728) they speculated that the fast hemoglobin variant might be HbN-Baltimore (α2β295Lys→Glu), but two reference laboratories identified it as the slightly slower HbJ-Baltimore (α2β216Gly→Asp). p 735: In the middle column, the third full paragraph, "Department of Internal Medicine" should read "Department of Laboratory Medicine." p 736: In column one, under Awards, the citation should have stated "in recognition of his contribution in the, field of clinical chemistry." p 1199: Table 1 folate concentrations should be "mg/L," not rg/L.

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