
Star products on the classical double group of a simple Lie group and on corresponding symplectic groupoids are given so that the quantum double and the “quantized tangent bundle” are obtained in the deformation description. “Complex” quantum groups and bicovariant quantum Lie algebras are discussed from this point of view. Further we discuss the quantization of the Poisson structure on the symmetric algebraS(g) leading to the quantized enveloping algebraU h (g) as an example of biquantization in the sense of Turaev. Description ofU h (g) in terms of the generators of the bicovariant differential calculus onF(G q ) is very convenient for this purpose. Finaly we interpret in the deformation framework some well known properties of compact quantum groups as simple consequences of corresponding properties of classical compact Lie groups. An analogue of the classical Kirillov's universal character formula is given for the unitary irreducble representation in the compact case.

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