
The Tracy–Widom distributions are among the most famous laws in probability theory, partly due to their connection with Wigner matrices. In particular, for A=1n(aij)1≤i,j≤n∈Rn×n symmetric with (aij)1≤i≤j≤n i.i.d. standard normal, the fluctuations of its largest eigenvalue λ1(A) are asymptotically described by a real-valued Tracy–Widom distribution TW1:n2/3(λ1(A)−2)⇒TW1. As it often happens, Gaussianity can be relaxed, and this results holds when E[a11]=0, E[a112]=1 and the tail of a11 decays sufficiently fast: limx→∞x4P(|a11|>x)=0, whereas when the law of a11 is regularly varying with index α∈(0,4), ca(n)n1/2−2/αλ1(A) converges to a Fréchet distribution for ca:(0,∞)→(0,∞), slowly varying and depending solely on the law of a11. This paper considers a family of edge cases, limx→∞x4P(|a11|>x)=c∈(0,∞), and unveils a new type of limiting behavior for λ1(A): a continuous function of a Fréchet distribution in which 2, the almost sure limit of λ1(A) in the light-tailed case, plays a pivotal role: f(x)=2,0<x<1,x+1 x,x≥1.

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