
In this paper we give a further investigation of the method introduced by the author in [1, Frequency-domain bounds for nonnegative unsharply band-limited functions] for proving bounds for functions with nonnegative Fourier transforms. We also dealt with the question of how large the supremum KS of all numbers |f(u)| is with f the Fourier transform of a nonnegative integrable function F and f(0) = 1, |f(ku)| ≤ e for k ∈ S. Here u > 0 and S ⊂ {2, 3, . . .}. This problem was related in [1] to finding the infimum MS of all numbers Mh = maxϑ [(1−h(ϑ))/(1− cos ϑ)] over all 2π-periodic even, smooth functions h whose Fourier cosine coefficients ak vanish for k ∉ S, and it was proved and announced for several cases that MS (1−KS ) = 1. In this paper we prove the results announced in [1]. To that end we generalize the method given in [1] to include Fourier transforms f of probability measures on R and a certain generalized function h, and we show that the numbers KS, MS are assumed as |f(u)|, Mh for certain allowed f,h. Moreover, we establish a fundamental relation between finding the numbers KS, MS and the numbers KT, MT where T = {2, 3, . . .}\S. In particular, we show that MT = 2KS (2KS − 1)−1,KT = 1/2 MS(MS − 1)−1 and that MT (1 − KT) = 1,KSKT = 1/2 , whenever MS (1 − KS) = 1.

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