
ABSTRACT A growing body of research in South Africa has focused on fathers but few have included men from various racial backgrounds. The aim of this study is to capture the experiences of young fathers from a range of racial backgrounds that are residing in the urban areas of Durban. This study draws on qualitative data collected from interviews conducted with 20 young men. The interviews suggest that the experience of becoming a father was not easy; however, none of the young men denied paternity. Instead, they accepted responsibility and quickly adapted to their role. The fathers made a concerted effort to extend their role beyond that of a breadwinner by providing care for their children and maintaining a presence in their lives. Cultural barriers limit fathers from engaging with their children; however, maternal grandmothers ensured that young men were able to maintain family relations with their children. Thus, young men are redefining the narrative of fatherhood by making an effort to be involved in the lives of their children and as a result, they are challenging existing stereotypes and perceptions. More efforts are needed to encourage young men to assume responsibility for their children and to develop stronger family relations.

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