
BART's central control at Lake Merritt is the nerve center for its communications network. More than 300 discrete channels and four radio channels are used. Wireline carrier uses a double sideband suppressed carrier AM modem that can carry 24 channels over two pairs of wires. BART uses a PBX dial system leased from the telephone company. However, for wayside maintenance use, there is a separate maintenance telephone throughout the entire BART system. Emergency phones are located along the route. BART has a fully automatic fare collection system. A ticket console produces a magnetic card ticket with the amount the passenger wishes to purchase. Upon entering a station, a ticket console encodes entry data. Upon departure from the passenger's final station, the gate console deducts the proper amount and recodes the balance. For exact fare remaining, the console captures the ticket. For insufficient fare, the ticket is rejected and a lighted display directs the passenger to the Addfare machine. Subway construction near Civic Center required working well below the water table. A wall was constructed down to an impervious layer of soil by a special technique. Land beneath aerial structures has been made into Linear Parks.

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