
Three great questions confront educator, whether he be teacher or parent: First, what are worthy incentives in American life? Second, which of these are strong enough to stimulate best efforts of boys and girls? Third, how can they best be utilized? history of education shows us that most effective educational agencies have always utilized great national enthusiasms, or great religious forces, or both, in education of youth. education of ancient Hebrews was both national and religious. The child was to become faithful servant of Jehovah.' He learned through language and personal example of his parents religious and civic requirements of his nation. Among all nations direction impressed on education depends upon idea which is formed of perfect man.' For Hebrew perfect man was the pious, virtuous man who is capable of attaining ideal,' Ye shall be holy, for I Lord your God am holy.' Children were taught and trained to have great respect for parents and teachers, and on other hand much stress was placed upon religious and moral fitness of parents and teachers. Mildness, patience, and unselfishness were recommended as their ruling virtues. All instruction must have its immediate issue in living. Precepts were turned into conduct. Instruction was vitalized with religious and national life of people. persistence of this race through centuries is due, in part, at least, to efficiency of its education. Athenian youths of historic period were conscious of certain well-defined social enthusiasms. greatest of

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