
A balanced and harmonious character education is necessary to cultivate inner happiness from birth and throughout life. In this context, Syeh Burhanudin Az-Zamuji, a brilliant scholar, gives character education particular attention, which is described in one of his finest works, the book Ta'lm al-Muta'allim. This study aims to understand how Syeh Burhanudin Az-Zamuji interprets the idea of cognitive-oriented character development in Ta'lm al-Muta'allim and its application to modern Islamic education. This work has library research as its type of research. The historical teaching methodology was used to conduct library research to gather both primary and secondary data for this assignment. The author employed descriptive content analysis to analyze the data. Students can become better individuals in their environments via the use of linked ideas in character development and contemporary educational science. By maintaining a ta'dzim demeanor in front of the instructor, constantly paying attention to what they have to say, following their instructions without question, complimenting them, and remaining tawadhu at all times. According to this study, the idea of character education as it is presented in the book Ta'lim al-Muta'allim is as follows: The primary foundation of education is the internalization and birthing of Adabiyah's principles. The dissemination of Adabiyah ideals is emphasized as the most crucial aspect of education by ta'lm al-Muta'allim in the book. Educating people about science and skills is crucial, but the importance of Adabiyah is paramount.

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