
The purpose of this study was to describe the level of moral distress experienced by nurses, situations that most often caused moral distress, and the intentions of the nurses to leave the profession. A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational design was applied in this study. Registered nurses were recruited from five large, urban Lithuanian municipal hospitals representing the five administrative regions in Lithuania. Among the 2,560 registered nurses, from all unit types and specialities (surgical, therapeutic, and intensive care), working in the five participating hospitals, 900 were randomly selected to be recruited for the study. Of the 900 surveys distributed, 612 questionnaires were completed, for a response rate of 68%. Depending on the hospital, the response rate ranged from 61% to 81%. Moral distress was measured using the Moral Distress Scale-Revised (MDS-R). The MDS-R is designed to measure nurses' experiences of moral distress in 21 clinical situations. Each of the 21 items is scored using a Likert scale (0-4) in two dimensions: how often the situation arises (frequency) and how disturbing the situation is when it occurs (intensity). On the Likert scale, 0 correlates to situations that have never been experienced, and 4 correlates to situations that have occurred very often. Among the 612 participants, 206 (32.3%) nurses reported a low level of moral distress (mean score 1.09); 208 (33.9%) a moderate level of distress (mean score 2.53), and 207 (33.8%) a high level of distress (mean score 3.0). The most commonly experienced situations that resulted in moral distress were as follows: "Carrying out physician's orders for what I consider to be unnecessary tests and treatments" (mean score 1.66); "Follow the family's wishes to continue life support even though I believe it is not in the best interest of the patient" (mean score 1.31); and "Follow the physician's request not to discuss the patient's prognosis with the patient or family" (mean score 1.26). Nurses who had a high moral distress level were three times more likely to consider leaving their position compared with respondents who had a medium or low moral distress level (8.7% and 2.9%, respectively; p < .05). Our findings provide evidence on the association between moral distress and intention to leave the profession. Situations that may lead health professionals to be in moral distress seem to be mainly related to the unethical work environment. The findings of this study reported that moral distress plays a role in both personal and organizational consequences, including negative emotional impacts upon employees.

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