
Environmental protection is considered an important element in most religions. The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the problem of the influence of religion on the environment, human behavior and attitude to nature. Religion has always touched upon the problem of the relationship between man and the world around him. In the existing religious traditions, various ideals of the relationship between man and nature have been formed. As a result, the ideological functions of religion acquire special significance. In our time, religions can be a spiritual source for the development and formation of environmental ethics and natural aesthetics. Religious ethics awakens in people a consciousness that is different from material and technological thinking. Religion helps people understand that their control over the living and inanimate world is unlimited and that cruelty towards nature will turn to them. Religion teaches people that the purpose of life is not to maximize consumption. While technology gives man the physical strength to create or destroy the world, religion teaches virtue. Directly or indirectly, religion can be a powerful source of environmental protection. Therefore, we need to use the power of the influence of religion to protect nature. The nature of the influence of religion on the current state and development of society largely depends on the relationship between people of different faiths. The religious consciousness of people developed in the direction of knowledge of the world and its laws, methods of practical use. Some religious ideologies deify human nature and reflect people's responses to their environment. Religion, as a form of social consciousness, has always, in one way or another, taken care of man's relationship with the natural world, traditionally expressed a certain moral and ethical concern for the environment and determined the moral obligations of man in relation to the environment.

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