
Observations by many many great personalities underscore the penultimate importance, the education commands in modulating human development which is direct index of national growth. But it has undergone artificialisation and metamorphosis in adhering to value system even though it enjoys global standard in its nature & content. Devoid of ethics and value system (Which again is a general phenomenon and not specific to education system alone), almost all Indians armed with highest standard and quality education adroitly camouflage in plundering the national exchequer using the gifted abilities produdly as license to do so. Other pernicious and most debilitating aspect is avoidable and unthinkable emasculation of vernacular education system where majority of Indian kids have their education as a fundamental right enshrined in constitution. Most from these end as school dropout, a part with scholarly potential go on at best to qualify for job like Doctors, Engineers other Govt. & private jobs with some meaning while others simply turn out to be unemployable youth, running from post to pillar in search of Non-existing jobs, frustrated at miserable failure in interviews simply go on to add to social hooliganism which ultimately is objective the education to eradicate. In my accompanying article, I will attempt with comprehensive argument both moral and material decay of education and with free for all no holds bar democratic views, liberty with its need & greed based utility, it is seriously ponderable to even imagine restoration of both moral and material standard of education. Keyword: Penultimate, artificialisation, provision, debilitating, enshrined, eradicate & restoration.

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