
The new species Moraea saxatilis Goldblatt & J.C.Manning (Iridaceae: Iridoideae) is a narrow endemic of the Kliphuisvlakte above Porterville in Western Cape, South Africa. First recorded in September 2019, M. saxatilis is restricted to shallow, seasonally waterlogged soils on sandstone sheets. This diminutive species has unusual terete leaves with a median dorsal translucent line, and distinctive pale lilac flowers irregularly speckled or streaked with dark blue towards the centre, with the filaments ±free or connate only in the basal third. The acaulescent habit and ±campanulate flowers with subequal tepals connate below in a solid perianth tube and reduced style crests place the species in subg. Galaxia (Thunb.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning. Within the subgenus, the fringed style branches of M. saxatilis place it in ser. Galaxia, which currently includes nine species, all with white or yellow flowers. Among these, only M. luteoalba has ±free filaments but it differs considerably from M. saxatilis in having plane, ovate to elliptic leaves and larger yellow flowers sometimes creamy white distally.

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