
mTOR is a mechanical target of rapamycin, con¬sisting of a subunit of two catalytic complexes mTORC1 and mTORC2. mTORC1 regulates cell growth and metabolism, mTORC2 controls pro¬liferation and survival. The mTOR pathway has multiple regulatory mechanisms: humoral, en¬ergy status, cytokines, and MAPK signaling pathways. mTOR is involved in protein synthesis through phosphorylation and activation of sev¬eral substrates that promote initiation, transla¬tion of mRNA and increase the efficiency of translation of spliced mRNAs, suppresses pro¬tein catabolism, primarily autophagy, partici¬pates in glucose and insulin metabolism, acti¬vating pancreatic β-cell hyperplasia and stimu¬lating gluconeogenesis, participates in the me¬tabolism of glutamine. It activates adipocyte proliferation and lipid synthesis. It is an im¬portant regulator of many neurological and im¬mune processes. The transmission of mTOR sig¬nals is involved in the aging process. mTOR is also involved in the initiation of the develop-ment of many types of tumor growth.

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