
With over 73,000 registered instances worldwide, Moodle has already become one of the most popular Learning Management Systems, used by a variety of educational institutions from 224 different countries across the globe. Teachers appreciate its ease of use and a wide range of built-in tools, which allow them to deliver various forms of e-learning content to students and test their knowledge in many different ways. On the other hand, the system administrators and programmers make use of its open license, which allows them to develop their own system plugins and integrate it with the third party educational systems, like Mahara e-portfolio or Big Blue Button videoconferencing tool. The scope of Moodle popularity causes that currently most of the teachers are engaged in more than a single online course and provide their educational materials to many different student groups. Moreover, some of these courses are very often distributed between multiple Moodle instances, which additionally could be managed by different schools or universities. As a result, when the teachers want to publish the same material for different student groups, e.g. a single .pdf, .doc, .ppt, image, audio or video file, they must upload individual copies of these files to every Moodle platform they are using. Furthermore, when they need to update the previously uploaded materials, they have to edit them on every single course of each platform. Depending on the number of courses and e-learning content being used, this could be the cause of many arduous administrating tasks repeated frequently by the teachers.

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