
MOOCs, characterized by large-scale, open and online education, have become the focus of attention all around the world. Starting from the origin of MOOCs, the author introduces the development trend of MOOCs in classroom teaching and wider education field at home and abroad. At the same time, it also brings some enlightenment and thinking to educators. Although network courses and distance teaching are of great significance, how to transform scientific and technological progress into educational resources and assistants is more important. The construction of MOOCs system in university classroom teaching consist of effective input, human-computer interaction, flipped classroom and course management. It makes up for many disadvantages caused by teachers’ unilateral manipulation of classroom in the traditional mode, breaks the original resource system of higher education, and makes the sharing and co-construction of massive high-quality resources become a reality. How to better combine MOOCs with traditional courses design and realize teaching is a subject that English teachers make unremitting efforts to explore.

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