
The existing nature conservation objects that are part of the Dnistrovskyi Regional Landscape Park are characterized and mapped. There are more than sixty different types of WFD objects in and around the park. All objects are tabulated. Also, geological, geomorphological, hydrological objects have been identified that have scientific, recreational and educational value, which gives grounds for granting them conservation status. This is a large number of rocks of different ages (Silurian, Devonian, Jurassic, Cretaceous), which makes it possible to study the history and condition sof the territory. The location is mapped. Also on the map as places of interest are the places of manifestation of modern geomorphological processes. Fluvial, karst, gravity, erosion and other processes are most evidentin the park. The dynamics of karst processes haveled to the formation of numerous caves and cave formations, which are valuable from the scientific and recreational plan. A mong the hydrological and hydro-geological features are waterfalls, marshe sand ground water exits to the surface in the form of springs. Historical and cultural sites occurring with in and around the park are characterized and mapped. The seare objects of Paleolithic heritage (the oldestin Bukivna, Horodnytsia), Kievan Rus' period, ruins of ancient castles (Rakovetsky and Chekrnelitsky) and fotresses, lordlye states, ancient churches, of which there are more than thirty, existing and in active in the region. The most ancient are the village of Michalce), monuments of liberation competitions (hiding places) and places of great historical battles. It maps and describes the existing route sand objects of the tourist infrastructure of the Dnistrovskyi RLP. The park and surrounding areas haves ignificant natural and recreational potential. The presence of a large number of diverse natural sites make sit possible to create attractions for tourism development in the region. The presence of historical and cultural heritage en hances the use of the territory. New routes and proposals for improvement of the tourist infrastructure of the territory were developed: creation of an eco-educational visit center, placement of agroosel complexes, arrangement of places for stops during the Dniester alloys, creation of a network of tourist points at the places of passage of route sand places of rest of residents, development and in stallation of new information standsne are xisting tourist natural and historical sites in the study area. Key words: Dnistrovskyi RLR, Nature Reserve objects, historical and cultural sites, nature monuments, recreational resources, tourism.

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