
Water resource conservation is of utmost importance, especially for agriculture in developing countries. Frequent occurrences of water shortage have driven more social efforts in researching on water resources spatial distribution, as the land cover changes recently have shown positive influences. For the purpose of efficient water resources management, hydrological processes under different types of land covers and soil textures are supposed to be accurately analyzed and evaluated. Recently developed distributed hydrological mode (DHM) has been a strong hydro-cycle simulation tool for inferring variability and heterogeneity of water resources distribution. In this paper, a spatially distributed Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and Atmosphere under quasi Steady State (WetSpass) model was introduced in the distributed hydro-cycle simulation on upstream Han river basin. The simulation time-step of WetSpass model was modified from originally one season to currently one month. In addition, an experiential non-linear routing algorithm was integrated into WetSpass for discharge confluence. The study area was delineated into 12 upstream to downstream routing related catchments whose land covers and soil textures were investigated and illustrated. Model verification was completed through the calibration of simulated hydrograph against observation using eleven years of continuous precipitation and meteorological data. Moreover, four criteria were used to evaluate the model performance and the calibrated results of routing parameters were discussed. Furthermore, the distribution of surface runoff generation, evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge were illustrated and analyzed considering the spatial heterogeneity of land cover and soil texture. Results showed that water resource spatial distribution and hydrological processes were closely related to land cover and soil texture and the model had achieved a success in hydro-cycle modeling of upstream Han river basin.

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