
This article offers a quick read on Montessori pedagogy. It is to help formulate a successful method and practical learning. English language teaching (ELT) has numerous methods. They are rich in knowledge and theory but, practically not all methods come handy for successfully learning a new language. The success of learning a language is in its effective communication. Here, the term communication does not correspond to the skill element but to the effective and precise delivery of the conceived idea. Language cannot be learned as we learn math, science, and technology, it has to be experienced and acquired. We do not need a goal but an active process. As Einstein to science so is Maria Montessori to language arts. Her method has been appreciated but has carried limited relevance in the world of language arts — many associate the Montessori method to play way method. A deep understanding of the Montessori method of language teaching offers innumerable opportunities to construct a successful working model to teach second language learners.

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