
Tritium beta-ray induced X-ray spectra in various gas mediums were simulated by Monte Carlo simulation using Geant4 tool kit. The simulated beta-ray induced X-ray spectrum (s-BIX spectrum) was composed of the bremsstrahlung component and characteristics X-rays from constituent elements. The total number of photons in s-BIX spectrum decreased with increasing pressure of medium except argon. In argon medium, the characteristics X-ray of argon was generated by beta particles from tritium decay, and the contribution of Ar-Kα and -Kβ compensated the reduction of bremsstrahlung generated by solid matter with increasing argon pressure. At 0.001 atm of medium pressure, the total counts in s-BIX spectrum was independent from gas medium. Therefore, the gas medium dependence in BIXS at low pressure (less than 0.001 atm) was not serious issue.

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