
Coccidiostats are veterinary pharmaceuticals used for prevention and treatment of coccidiosis. They pose a potential environmental risk because of their widespread use in veterinary medicine. In large quantities they are used as feed additives for poultry. They enter the environment mostly through the use of manure from treated animals, which is a substantial source of coccidiostats since up to 95 % of consumed coccidiostats are excreted unchanged. In Europe, 11 coccidiostats are permitted, which differ in their mechanism of action. Through soil fertilization on agricultural areas coccidiostats are transferred via manure into surface water and groundwater. They could be used as indicators of agricultural pollution. The presence, transport and concentration of coccidiostats in the environment are still largely unknown. This article provides an overview of coccidiostats, their use, efficiency and occurrence in the environment. It describes the factors influencing their occurrence in the environment. An overview of literature on the topic of coccidiostats in the environment is presented. In the case of the Drava field the potential environmental concentration of the coccidiostat monensin in the environment was established. The assessment took into account the number of chickens on a chosen farm, the related arable land and the properties of monensin. It was found that due to fertilization with chicken manure we can expect predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of monensin in soil up to 0,30 mg/kg and in groundwater up to 80,4 μg/l.


  • Coccidiostats are veterinary pharmaceuticals used for prevention and treatment of coccidiosis

  • Raziskave so usmerjene od monitoringa stanja kakovosti do razumevanja procesov transporta in razgradnje onesnaževal v okolju

  • EOC, ki so bili kakorkoli odloženi na povr je, lahko potencialno migrirajo skozi zemljino (Oppel et al, 2004; Scheytt et al, 2004) in nezasi~eno cono v nasi~eno cono vodonosnika (Snyder, 2004; Zuehlke et al, 2004)

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The possibility of occurrence of coccidiostats in the environment

Klju~ne besede: kokcidiostatiki, okolje, Dravsko polje, Slovenija Key words: coccidiostats, environment, Drava field, Slovenia. V okolje v najve~ji meri pridejo zaradi gnojenja z iztrebki zdravljenih živali, ki so velik vir nepredelanih kokcidiostatikov in njihovih razgradnjih produktov, saj se vse do 95 % zaužitega kokcidiostatika izlo~i v nespremenjeni obliki. Prisotnost, transport in koncentracije kokcidiostatikov v okolju so ve~inoma e neznani. V ~lanku je pripravljen pregled kokcidiostatikov, njihova uporaba, u~inkovitost in pojav v okolju. Ki vplivajo na vsebnost kokcidiostatikov v okolju. Predstavljena je analiza ~lankov na temo kokcidiostatikov v okolju. Na primeru Dravskega polja smo dolo~ili potencialne okoljske koncentracije kokcidiostatika monenzina v okolju. Pri oceni smo upo tevali tevilo pi ~ancev na izbranih farmah, pripadajo~e obdelovalne povr ine teh farm, ter zna~ilnosti monenzina. Da so zaradi gnojenja s pi ~an~jim gnojem predvidene okoljske koncentracije (PEC) monenzina v tleh do 0,30 mg/kg in podzemni vodi do 80,4 μg/l

Kaj so kokcidiostatiki?
Semduramicin Semduramicin
Nizka bioakumulacija Low bioaccumulation
Problematika kokcidiostatikov in strupenost
Testni organizmi v vodi Test organism in the aquatic environment
Literatura in viri

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