
Trematode parasites of gill filaments in fresh-water fishes have received very little attention in India. The group Gyrodactyloidea has, however, been investigated by a number of workers. Price (1938) gave the earliest record by describing Dactylogyrus moorthyi from Mysore. Thapar (1948) described a new genus Paradactylogyrus from Lucknow. Jain (1952, '52a, '55, '57, '57a, and '57b) described Haplocleidus gomttius, Thaparocleidus wallagonius, Urocleidus notopterus, Mizelleus indicus, Dactylogyrus multispiralis and 3 species of the genus Neodacytlogyrus, namely N. calbasi, N. indicus and N. cotius, from Lucknow. Recently Baugh (1957) has erected a new genus Neogyrodactylus from West Bengal. The author in 1952 started a systematic investigation of monogenetic trematodes of the gill filaments of fresh-water fishes available in the Lucknow region. It was found that most fishes carry heavy infections of gill trematodes. The present paper describes a new genus in the subfamily Tetraonchinae, based on 2 new forms.

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