
A monoclonal antibody (mAb) has been developed and selected by immunofluorescence for the radial canals of the contractile vacuole complex (CVC) of Paramecium multimicronucleatum. By applying indirect immunogold labeling to thin frozen sections this mAb has been shown at the electron microscopic level to be specific for the decorated spongiome. We have used the mAb to study the normal interfission appearance as well as developmental stages of the decorated spongiomes. Two decorated spongiomes, presumably involved in water sequestration, radiate as 5-10 bands from unlabeled, circular, 25 microns diameter centers. Two new CVCs arise just anterior to the space occupied by the old spongiomes, the new anterior CVC appearing slightly before the posterior one. Development of the new spongiomes around a 10 microns unlabeled central zone is accompanied by a regression of old spongiome bands until the lengths of these bands in both old and new CVCs are equal just before cell division. After division both old and new spongiome bands grow at equal rates to the same length. Exceptions to the above general scheme, both in number of CVCs in interfission, as well as in position of the new relative to the old CVCs, are also observed.

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