
There have been no reports of monoclonal antibodies reactive with vesicular monoamine transporters from any source. Western blotting and ELISA data obtained using polyclonal serum from a mouse immunized with a highly purified bovine chromaffin granule monoamine transporter preparation yielded data consistent with the presence of antibodies to the transporter. Hybridomas produced by polyethylene glycol fusion of spleen cells from the mouse with X63/Ag8.653 myeloma cells were screened in an ELISA using partially purified transporter as coating agent. Of the 1142 wells containing colonies, 14 were positive in the initial screen. Hybridomas from wells testing positive were transferred to 24-well plates, grown up, and rescreened. Those still testing positive were subcloned, and the resulting positive wells containing single colonies were grown up and stocked. Of the 6 positive clones that tolerated freeze/thaw (0.5% of the wells tested), 1 was IgGI k , 2 were IgG2a k , and 3 were IgG2b k isotypes. Ascites fluid was generated in pristane-primed BALB/c mice using hybridomas that had been cloned 2–3 times, and antibodies purified on immobilized Protein A. Immunoreactivity with a mixture of these antibodies, or with only one of them, coincided with dihydrotetrabenazine (TBZOH) binding activity in fractions eluted from all columns employed in the transporter purification. Antibody from at least one of the clones was capable of removing [ 3H]TBZOH binding activity from a partially purified preparation of transporter. Monoclonal antibodies exhibiting these properties have not been reported previously.

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