
The paper explores the impact of monochromatic illumination on replacement chickens of Decalb White cross-breed in the conditions of the Amur region. The chickens were grown from 1 day to 115 days age. The research was conducted in the conditions of the poultry farm “Belogorskaya”. The authors arranged four groups according to the principle of steam-analogues; each group contained 200 chickens and the experiment was carried out in the production unit. The researchers used luminous tube lamp with different colour temperatures for lighting. White lighting was used in the control group, yellow - in the first experimental group, green - in the second experimental group and blue - in the third experimental group. The researchers made blood test of chickens aged 30, 60 and 90 days for morphological and biochemical analysis. The authors carried out control weighing of the poultry at that time. At the end of the experiment, three pullets from each group were slaughtered in order to study the organs. The paper highlights morphological and biochemical blood parameters of replacement chickens at the white light had lower deviations from the physiological rate than at yellow, green and blue lamps. At the beginning of growing under yellow lamps, the concentration of gamma-globulin fraction of protein in the blood serum of chickens was higher than the age rate and the content of albumins was lower. Compared to the control group, the amount of bilirubin (P<0.05) and the activity level of asparagine aminotransferase (P<0.001) were higher under green and blue lamps. In the middle and at the end of the growing period, the number of leukocytes, creatinine, uric acid and asparagine aminotransferase may have increased in chickens under green and blue light. The difference among the results of blood tests of chickens grown under white light was, mostly reliable. When controlling the growth and development of replacement chickens aged 30 and 60 days the authors observed that the average body weight of chickens in white light was 1.5-3.9% higher than in the poultry of experimental groups. The average body weight of the chickens aged 90 days from all the groups was at the same level. The results of the control slaughter of pullets aged 115-days and grown under different lighting conditions were similar, and their sexual maturity was the same.


  • The authors arranged four groups according to the principle of steam-analogues; each group contained 200 chickens and the experiment was carried out in the production unit

  • White lighting was used in the control group, yellow - in the first experimental group, green - in the second experimental group and blue - in the third experimental group

  • The difference among the results of blood tests of chickens grown under white light was, mostly reliable

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Ключевые слова: молодняк кур, монохроматическое освещение, люминесцентные лампы, физиологическое состояние. В цехе выращивания ремонтного молодняка по принципу пар-аналогов было сформировано четыре группы цыплят по 200 голов в каждой. В группах птицы для освещения использовали компактные люминесцентные лампы с разной цветовой температурой. В исследовании установлено, что при белом освещении морфобиохимические показатели крови ремонтного молодняка имели меньшие отклонения от физиологических норм, чем при желтых, зеленых и голубых лампах. В середине и к концу периода выращивания у цыплят при зеленом и голубом освещении могло наблюдаться увеличение количества лейкоцитов, креатинина, мочевой кислоты, повышение уровня активности аспарагиновой аминотрансферазы. Разница с результатами анализов крови молодняка, выращенного при белом освещении, в большинстве случаев была достоверной. Контроль за ростом и развитием ремонтного молодняка в возрасте 30 и 60 дней показал, что средняя живая масса цыплят при белом освещении на 1,5–3,9 % больше, чем у птицы опытных групп.

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